As I mentioned in the last entry, I’ve been to Gamex this year. Sweden’s biggest gaming event were you can try out video games that hasn't been released, meet other gamers, buy figures and toys ect. It’s kinda like a small small E3 or Tokyo Game Show.
Anyway, I was there the previous year and I had a blast this year too! Most of the games I tried were from Nintendo. The games I tried were The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Mario Kart 7, Resident Evil: Revelations, Rayman Origins, SSX, Gears of War 3, Super Mario Land 3D, Luigi’s Mansion 2, Kid Icarus: Uprising, Star Fox 64 3D, Dance Central 2 for Kinect and Kirby’s Return to Dream Land.
Soild Snake! This big statue was the first prize in the cosplay competition Game held. I didn't win it obviously, but it would had been cool to get it! Unfortunately, I don't know who won it.
The games I got most excited about was of course Zelda and Resident Evil, I like both of them and can’t wait ‘til I get to buy them!
In Resident Evil: Revelations the controls are much like in Resident Evil 5, which I like since I’m very used to them and it’s easy to handle. To gain the best gaming experience you should wear headphones so you can get into the scary atmosphere with the surrounding sounds and noises. Your ammo is limited; so you have to be careful to not waste bullets or save bullets and run for your life. A new interesting item you could use was a scanner that scans areas and locates items. It could be ammo, herbs and other useful things.
Of what I have seen (expect for the distasteful female characters) and played so far I liked it. The gameplay will at least be fun, but I’m unsure if the story’s going to be any good. I doubt it, since I wasn’t very fond of the story in RE5. :P But we’ll see!
Zelda was fun to try as well! You could choose different demos, but I only played one which was the dungeon part (my favorite parts of Zelda games). And all I can say it looks promising. I like it that you could swing Link’s sword in any direction with the Wii-remote. I’m looking forward to get my hands on it. I have already reserved a limited edition for me, wiehoo! :3
Yeah, and that was pretty much all I got to say. Gamex was awesome as last year! I’ll share some more photos here of cosplayers and my friends.
Craziest mix you can find?! Albert Wesker (a.k.a. Spettan) and my brother as Fox McCloud.
Claire Redfield (a.k.a. Emelie) found her brother and bought him for a good prize!
Ashley Graham (a.k.a. Hanna) and Claire playing some 3DS!
One of the pictures we took there was this lil’ girl who looked at us with really big eyes. I don’t know if she was afraid of us or fascinated, maybe a mix of both, but she was so cute! Her dad pushed her forward to us so she could take pictures with us. She just kept staring at us and seemed shy, didn’t say a word. Unfortunately my boyfriend couldn’t take a good photo of us, but I’ll never forget her cute face. ^^